HNLMS Van Amstel sailing out under fiery skies

While enjoying a fiery sunset tonight, the HNMLS Van Amstel was sailing down the Firth of Clyde. Unfortunately, the Dutch frigate F831 got it’s timing all wrong as it passed Toward Point lighthouse too late for the perfect shot of the frigate in the fiery sunset.

The Dutch frigate sailed up the Firth of Clyde yesterday (see HNLMS Van Amstel passing an Astute class submarine)

HNLMS Van Amstel passing an Astute class submarine

While the HNLMS Van Amstel was sailing up the Firth of Clyde on a hazy Monday afternoon, an Astute class submarine was sailing out. The Dutch frigate F831 passed the submarine surprisingly closely at Inellan.

It is very unusual to see a nuclear submarine sailing on the Firth of Clyde without heavy protecting from about 7 police patrol boats.