Suki – A Life in Pictures (2003 – 2008)

This story is dedicated to the life of Suki, our saluki cross lurcher, who enjoyed life and brought us so much joy during her short life. 

She was handed into Cardonald when she was found abonded and entangled in barbed wire. She was badly wounded and in a desperate state. After a 3 month recovery period in a foster home, she came to us when she was about 18 months. 

She was traumaised and quiet, and took a long time to setlle in. She did not understand what playing was, but squeeky toys and playing hide and seek with Lynn in the Botanics quickly changed this. Her first bark came after 3 month, and some bark she had. 

With a passion for the outdoors, she loved days out to the coast or in the hills. She enjoyed running ragged across the moors and rummaging through the undergrowth at Loch Ardinning or Mugdock. She loved running with other dogs and splashing through the waves at Portencross Beach, ignoring any balls or sticks we would throw, but stealing them from other dogs whenever she got a chance. 

A typical lazy lurcher, Suki was always seeking heat, lying in front of the open fire, against the radiator, in the sunshine or sitting on the heated passenger seat in our car. Our life would be hell if she was cold, until we relented and lit a fire or let her outside to lie in the sun. 

Squirrels and foxes obsessed Suki. She adored the frequent walks along the River Kelvin and in The Botanic Gardens, when she often ignored other dogs wanting to play, preferring to hunt squirrels. One day she even managed to catch one. 

A creature of habit, she got nervous with any change, no matter how large or small. Moving the settee to the other side of the room would already upset her. 

Taking her for a week up North when renting a cottage was unsettling, but also wonderful. She enjoyed our uninterrupted company, the wild walks, making friends with the local dogs and cosy nights in front of a roaring open fire. There was also time for a new sport, chasing rabbits. One day, she caught one. 

Lynn took her nearly anywhere she went, trips to auction rooms, the jewellers and the hair dressers. A great opportunity to get some attention while Lynn is pre occupied. Everyone adored her. 

The move to Morland House in Skelmorlie suited her well. She loved the grounds and happily spend all day lying outside on her sheepskin rug, soaking up the sun and seeing the world go by. 

She would disappear to Doug’s for a snack and attention or to Bill and Rosemary’s to find her friend Molly and polish off Molly’s left over dinner. Like two young kids, Molly and Suki turned up at each others door at every opportunity, virtually asking can my friend come out to play, and can I have a biscuit as well? The lawn turned into a play ground, and they would run and play until completely exhausted. 

The move also brought daily walks in Kelly Glen. A roe deer in the distance often resulted in a tiring race through the high grass and swamps. 

The move back to the West End saw the return of walks along the River Kelvin, and at Mugdock and Loch Ardinning at the weekends. Being back amongst people was great, but her friend Molly and the freedom of Morland House was missed. 

The last year was sadly marked with two disasters. First she broke the tip of her tail. After a long, traumatic period with three operations and recurring infections, she was left with very little. 

Then she became seriously ill with IBS. Her good nature never left her during a very long and traumatic illness. Even the terrific efforts from Vets Now and the Glasgow Vet School were in vain. In the end, she did not respond to treatment and sadly passed away. 

Live always comes full circle. Our first and last weekend walk was on the high moors at Mugdock, where her ashes are buried. 

She was the best dog we have ever had.

The early years

Huntly Gardens, January 2003 – June 2004

Pictures coming soon…

The glory years

Morland House, June 2004 – June 2007

Pictures coming soon…

The last year

Dundonald Road, June 2007 – June 2008

Pictures coming soon…

The book

The story is published in a book is published through blurb as an 80 page 33x28cm hardback.